Earbuds as earrings?

It’s time we talked…

Laura D. Brown
5 min readJun 12, 2018

about raising adolescents.

The shit is about to get real.

Raising kids, consistently, is the most exhausting, monotonous activity. By the time children reach an age where they can feed themselves, pick out their clothes, and do their own homework, parents are extremely fatigued.

“Sit like a human.”

“Chew with your mouth closed.”

“Say please and thank you.”

“Be nice to the weird kid.”

“Don’t speak to me with that tone.”

These daily statements have been played on repeat for over ten years.

Just when adolescence begins, mom and dad are close to the edge. The turkey is cooked, almost. Almost because this portion of the journey is nearing an end, but never truly finishes. The worry, the care taking, the teaching continues indefinitely. Our children will always need us, but not in the ways we expect, or always welcome.

So, why do parents (especially moms) speak incessantly about our babies’ first years and our toddlers’ development, but then around fourth grade we clam up?

Are we seeing the holes in our parenting? Do we recognize our child’s humanity with all of their…

